Business owners should think of designers as architects, not decorators.
Web design, at it’s core is information architecture. Information about your business is arranged in an attractive and intuitive way to invite visitors in and explore. Buildings have essential features like doors, windows and roofs much like home pages, navigation and images on a website. The style applied to these features is what makes buildings, and your website unique.
[clear-line]At Idea Design Group, we create websites with an architecture that fits your needs and achieves your marketing goals. The style applied to the architecture is what will make your website stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Responsive Web Design
All our web designs are built for use on phones, tablets and desktop computers. Our design and code is clean and efficient to allow visitors to discover your products or services, and learn about your organization or brand quickly, and easily.
Custom Graphics
We can create custom graphics for your website that mesh with your branding and help strengthen the layout.